Can I volunteer to help out at the festival?
The Festival de Cannes receives financial support from the French government, regional authorities, and a whole host of sponsors. So, unlike many film festivals, it's in the enviable position of being able to use a workforce comprised almost entirely of paid employees. However, the Festival does offer a small number of internships in its Paris headquarters, and in Cannes during the event.
It's likely that the Cannes-based internships will be of most interest to readers. These are known as 'short' internships and run for the duration of the festival. Internships require a continuous presence in Cannes and interns must fund their own travel, accommodation, and living expenses. The Festival normally provides a small financial contribution, but this will not cover the full cost of taking on the internship.
Applications should be made each year before the end of November. Successful applicants will normally be contacted between December and March. Note that all applicants must be fluent French speakers. To apply, email your CV and a covering letter (in French or English) to stage@festival-cannes.fr.
Unofficial internships are also offered by several companies in Cannes. Whilst these are not officially connected to the festival, they can provide an interesting learning experience for participants:
American Pavilion Internships
The American Pavilion runs a range of fee-based programmes for current students at US and international colleges, universities, and high schools. Although not an official part of the festival, these programmes do have the blessing of the Festival de Cannes and Marché du Film. Each offers a range of events and workshops for participants, and also provides festival accreditation allowing participants access to festival venues and screenings. As part of the programme, participants either work a set number of hours in the pavilion (determined by the programme selected) or intern with an entertainment company in Cannes during the festival. The programme fee covers accommodation and airport transfers, but participants must make their own travel arrangements. For more information, visit the American Pavilion web site (www.ampav.com).
Creative Minds in Cannes
Creative Mind Group is an LA-based organisation with a mission to foster the next generation of talent in the film and television industries. Amongst other activities, it operates the Creative Minds in Cannes program, which provides a kind of broker service between entertainment companies and would-be Cannes interns. The program is known to be hard work, but participants have the opportunity to make a host of useful contacts and get to see the inner workings of major entertainment companies in Cannes.
Successful applicants must pay their own way in Cannes, but the program will provide guidance and help with gaining accreditation. A limited amount of financial aid is also available, on a first-come, first-served basis to those with a compelling justification. Applications normally open in January and close around mid-February. More information at the Creative Mind Group website (thecreativemindgroup.com)

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