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Jane Campion to head up Short Film/Cinéfondation Jury

In the first of the appointments for the 2013 juries, the Festival de Cannes has announced that New Zealand director Jane Campion will be the 2013 president for the Short Film/Cinéfondation jury. Campion is a double Palme d'Or winner, having clinched a short gong in 1986 for her film Peel and remaining to this day the only female director to have won a Palme d'Or for a feature film, The Piano in 1993.

The Short Film/Cinéfonation jury is comprised of five members appointed to take responsibility for handing out the awards in the short film competition and Cinéfondation (film schools) programme. The Short Film Jury bestows the following awards:

Palme d'Or du Court Métage (Golden Palm, Short Film) - for best short in competition.

Mention Spéciale, Court Métage (Special Mention, Short Film) – up to two special jury prizes

Premier Prix de la Cinéfondation (Cinéfondation First Prize)
Deuxième Prix de la Cinéfondation (Cinéfondation Second Prize)
Troisième Prix de la Cinéfondation (Cinéfondation Third Prize)

The Cinéfondation/Short Film Jury also has the power to confer joint awards, however a special waiver must be granted by the Festival President for a tied Palme d’Or du Court Métage or Premier Prix de la Cinéfondation.

All of the Cinéfondation awards come with cash prizes attached: 15,000€ (for first place), 11,250€ (for second place), and 7,500€€ (for third place). The winner of the Premier Prix de la Cinéfondation is also guaranteed that their first feature film will be presented at a future Festival de Cannes.

A full rundown on the 2025 Cannes Film Festival, is available in the book, Cannes - A Festival Virgin's Guide (7th Edition).
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